The prize is on the inside

In every human being there is a heaven whole and unbroken” Paracelsus


Happiness is an increasingly rare commodity in modern society, yet chasing after it is a dumb way to seek fulfillment. The irony of questing for joy, is that bliss is already preprogrammed.

The prize is on the inside- at the bottom of the cereal box.


Wise folks, have historically said: “what you are looking for- is inside of you”.



The inner core is often the very last place humans probe for happiness. In order to access our bliss, we have to know where its located. So please inquire within.

Zen stories, say we are “Riding an Ox – in search of the ox”.

Genuine inner joy resides within the inner sanctum of the soul - below the surface of skin.

Not beyond self- but inside the self.

Accessing this inner flow of happiness requires sensing your soul through Quieting/meditation.

Much like monitoring your vehicles gas gauge, core referencing becomes a natural reflex. Bliss sits slightly off center from ordinary awareness so it takes a redirect from freaking and fretting to notice the miracle inside every moment. Look up and lock eyes with life.

The way to happiness is super simple- stop being unhappy.


 Sexy as it sounds, bliss isn’t the rarefied reserve of saints, It’s an everyman’s sensation.

High octane happiness is spiritual rocket sauce.

Get you some!


Charley's Book List

Happy Summer,

 Before a caterpillar lodges inside its chrysalis, quite curiously, it’s head pops off!

it morphs into a majestic monarch - from worm to wings, shedding its “head capsule” to manufacture a new mind.

This cue from nature, suggests ditching our old databank for a mentality upgrade.

 Thinking intentionally, rather than randomly, surely isn’t easy, but it’s essential to empowerment. Most of us, I imagine, feel like “a piece of work.” So then… let’s get to work!

How to- is often the stumbling block : “How do I quiet my mind”? “How do I get a handle on all these crazy emotions”?

Self transformation is a profound process requiring patience, perseverance and passion.

Check out our Spiritual Coaching Sessions to learn how to become a curator of your own consciousness.

Here’s our book list for your souls sojourn!

 * Ten Soulful Spiritual Books- Charley’s List*


Zen Mind - Beginner’s Mind: Shunryu Suzuki


Autobiography of a Yogi: Paramahansa Yogananda


No Boundary: Ken Wilber


Path of Power: Sun Bear

(Charley experienced a four-year apprenticeship with Sun Bear)   


Be Here Now: Ram Dass


The Only Dance There Is: Ram Dass


The Prophet: Kahil Gibran


The Four Agreements: Don MIguel Ruiz


Paths to Bliss: Joe Campbell


Illusions: Richard Bach



First Guidance Lightline Event 2022!

In these sliding floor times, adaptation is no longer the exclusive domain of stand-up comics and jazz musicians. We all need to get good at living with the unknown.  

Lightline Guidance Events are a gift of support for spiritual seekers in challenging times. 

Our upcoming event will explore soulful strategies for artfully managing thoughts - emotions and energies to establish nervous system laxity. If you’re hankering to mellow your daily drama-

join us as we blast off! 

Charley Castex Live: Living from the inside out

Lightline Virtual Guidance Event

Thursday, January 20, 2022

The first LIghtline Guidance Event of the year!

Bring your questions and relax into supportive wisdom as we look skyward toward spiritual transformation and empowerment.

Invitation Details Below*

Request your invitation by email: